Creating career prospects
It is our strong belief that good vocational training is the basis for a successful professional life. However, in many help alliance project countries there is no state-organized vocational training system. This makes it even more valuable to have recognized training institutions that prepare graduates in the best possible way to find a job afterwards. This is where we start: We support young people with high-quality training and further education in our own project centers and provide them with experienced mentors.
In accordance with SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth – and SDG 4 – High Quality Education – our goal is to enable young people to find decent employment rather than having to work in the informal sector. In doing so, we assign particular importance to giving young women equal access to the labor market.
In addition, help alliance supports young people with further education offers, trainings and workshops to develop their own business idea or to establish and expand their own company.
The International Labour Organization estimates that more than 190 million people worldwide are unemployed. In addition, over 61% of the working population is employed in the informal sector. Those employed in informal sectors have to face the stress of insecure employment and a lack of social protection, hardly any labor rights, and often inhumane working conditions. 93% of those employed in this sector live in emerging and developing countries. As a result, almost half of the world’s population has difficulties covering its basic needs and 3.4 billion people worldwide live below the poverty line.
It is particularly difficult for young people between the ages of 15 and 24 to find work. According to the International Labour Organization, more than 70 million young people worldwide were unemployed in 2016, the majority of them young women.
Even with a job, many young people in emerging and developing countries live below the poverty line. This also means that people are unable to find any prospects for life in their own place of residence and therefore decide to migrate. Hoping to find work, they either settle in one of the slums around the big cities in their own country or ultimately decide to migrate to another country. For them, building a new life in a new country to escape poverty often remains an unattained goal.