Youth development, Accra
In Accra’s poorer neighborhoods, there are hardly any after-school learning opportunities for children and people with disabilities. The newly built youth center is therefore a safe place where they can receive care, tutoring and medical attention.

Project Background
Nima is one of the poorest neighborhoods in Ghana’s capital city. People live in cramped quarters and there are no places where children and young people can meet, do homework and learn. There are no public playgrounds or any kind of children’s and youth centers where there is counseling on important issues such as sexual violence, domestic violence, pregnancy, etc. The lives of the children and young people therefore largely take place on the streets. Due to the rural exodus, more and more children and adolescents are stranded as street children in Nima and neighboring districts such as Mamobi and New Town. They live and sleep on the streets, at the mercy of violence, sexual assault and exploitation. Many of them end up in prostitution and/or drug addiction. There is an additional lack of public schools and parents cannot buy school materials for their children. Sometimes the children attend at least elementary school and then have to drop out again because secondary schools cost even more money.
Target Group
The primary target group of this project are children and adolescents who have no access to school and extracurricular education. This includes street children, who are thus protected from abuse and violence. But the project also aims to reach girls and women and offer them a place to turn for advice and protection. Another important target group is people with disabilities, as they receive virtually no support in Ghana.
Project Goals
The youth center offers children and young people a well-equipped learning environment where they can not only do their homework, but also discuss their problems and, if necessary, receive medical care. The various educational offers they receive there can be applied in everyday life and lead to a higher level of safety (e.g. in the areas of first aid, sexual violence, pregnancy counseling). The literacy courses for street children create the basis for any further educational path and entry into a self-determined working life. By providing space for the various participants to exchange ideas, we create a space for the many youth organizations that exist in Nima and the surrounding area to participate in social change.
What are you supporting
Your donation will help ensure that there is a place where children and youth are effectively helped and supported in one of Accra’s poorest neighborhoods. Thus, you actively contribute to improving the living conditions for all people there.