Vocational Training Center for Locals

Rubavu - Rwanda

In the project in the Rubavu region, in northwestern Rwanda, the existing vocational school center was expanded and the quality of teaching increased thanks to the support of the help alliance. Now even more disadvantaged young people can receive a practical and high-quality education. This significantly increases the chances of young Rwandans on the local labor market as well as their ability to compete with workers from neighboring countries.

Project Information
Project Location
Rubavu, Rwanda
Weltkarte Punkt Afrika
Main Focus
Creating career prospects
Project duration
2020 - 2021
Target Group
Socially disadvantaged young people aged 16 to 25
Sustainable Development Goals

Main goals: SDG 8

Subsidiary goals: SDG 4, SDG 5 and SDG 9

Project Background

The devastating genocide in 1994, which followed the civil war, caused the collapse of Rwanda’s infrastructure and economy. Even today, the country still lacks industry and the majority of the people live from growing their own food in the countryside. Unemployment is widespread in Rwanda, particularly in the Rubavu region, and exacerbates existing problems such as poverty, flight and the recruitment of militias to the Congo. The high number of unemployed young people also results from the fact that even graduates often cannot find a job on the East African labour market because they cannot compete with the better qualified workers from neighbouring countries.

The Rubavu Technical College in the Rubavu region, in northwest Rwanda, which opened in 2014, is a practice-oriented vocational school. With the help of high-quality training, it strengthens the competitiveness of young Rwandans and thus increases their chances on the local labour market.

Our Impact

Rubavu Technical College focuses on practical experience and offers three years of training in a variety of trades ranging from automotive mechanics/electrics, catering (hotel/restaurant staff and kitchen), electronics and communications to bricklaying and road construction. To ensure that the young Rwandans can later find local sustainable employment, the vocational branches correspond to the country’s economic demand.

With the construction and equipping of four additional classrooms, 120 young Rwandans per year, 60% of them women, can now be trained.

In addition, a laboratory for hydraulics and pneumatics was built, which enables the trainees to deepen their knowledge in a practical way.

The completion of high-quality training increases their chances on the local labor market and their competitiveness with workers from neighboring countries. At the same time, the project offers courses in business start-up, accounting and employee management, which will enable some of the graduates to grow their business and offer jobs within their own businesses. The training of the teachers also enables sustainable high-quality vocational training, whereby the employment of well-trained employees benefits not least the Rwandan economy.

Project Coordinator
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