Perspectives & Tourism, Punta Arena

Punta Arena - Colombia

We promote sustainable entrepreneurship in Punta Arena, Colombia and strengthen the community’s resilience to the effects of climate change.

Project Information
Project Location
Punta Arena, Colombia
Weltkarte Lateinamerika
Main Focus
Creating career prospectsEnvironmental ProtectionGender EqualityQuality education for all
Project duration
Since 2024
Target Group
Especially women and primary school children.
Sustainable Development Goals

Main Goals: SDG 4 and SDG8

Subsidiary goals: SDG 5SDG 14 and SDG 15

Project background

Punta Arena is a small community on the island of Tierra Bomba near Cartagena, Colombia. Punta Arena used to be a fishing village, but now lives mainly from tourism with its beautiful white sandy beaches.

The municipality has a diverse population of predominantly African-American residents and Venezuelan migrants. Punta Arena faces numerous challenges: Poverty, lack of clean water, poor access to education, low employment opportunities and gender inequality.

Climate change and environmental pollution are also major problems. The municipality has already taken initial measures to protect the environment, but faces challenges such as land use changes and overdevelopment.

Target group

This project will reach the entire community of Punta Arena. The project is particularly aimed at women working in sustainable businesses and primary school children.

Project Coordinator
Project Manager Strategy & Consulting, FraAlliance, Frankfurt
Oscar Romero

I am highly motivated to work with Fundación Bahía due to my deep alignment with their mission of environmental conservation and community empowerment. My experience as a Project Coordinator has shown me the transformative impact of their work. Through collaborative efforts, Fundación Bahia has successfully addressed plastic pollution, empowered local associations and women entrepreneurs in Punta Arena, and facilitated sustainable ecotourism initiatives. Their dedication to fostering tangible change is truly inspiring, and I am committed to continuing this journey of creating a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable future for all.


Project Manager Strategy & Consulting, FraAlliance, Frankfurt

Project Target

In Punta Arena, we are committed to strengthening the community, improving environmental education and giving women in particular the opportunity to find good jobs in ecotourism. Our main goal is to promote sustainable entrepreneurship in Punta Arena.

To this end, women are trained as certified eco-guides and supported in becoming entrepreneurs for ecological and cultural services or handicrafts. This provides the women with a sustainable income that enables them to break the cycle of poverty and improve the well-being of their families, which ultimately improves the entire economic landscape of the community.

For this the project utilizes the natural resources, biodiversity, history and culture to develop a business strategy that promotes environmentally friendly tourism. This will not only support the economic development of the region, but also preserve natural resources, protect indigenous culture and create good employment opportunities.

In particular, the project also strengthens the role of women in the communities and promotes intergenerational exchange. This helps to reduce inequalities and combat gender-specific violence.

Primary school children are also taught about sustainability and environmental protection. Together with biologists, the pupils document the natural biodiversity on the island. This initiative enables them to learn scientific knowledge and methods and creates interest in biodiversity that they can pass on to other community members.

Our goal is to empower the community to advocate for sustainable development, inclusive growth and cultural preservation. By improving the environment and quality of life for all members, we are creating a more sustainable future.

Your help is urgently needed!
This project and many others urgently need our and your help. Please support us in enabling young people to have a better life!
Donate now for help alliance!


Help us empower the Punta Arena community, especially women and children, to live sustainably and protect themselves from the effects of climate change.

Contact Persons
Project Portfolio Management
Laura Single
Contact (069) 696 – 696 70