New Chances-Café, Krishnarajapura
With the “100 Aker Woods Café”, we want to create a place of refuge and a springboard to generate employment opportunities for young adults. Designed as a social enterprise, the café will not only generate income and create new training opportunities for young adults, but also create added value for the entire community.

With around 1.46 billion inhabitants, India has the largest population in the world. In the last 40 years in particular, a strong population growth has been observed, with the number of inhabitants almost doubling. Around 25% of Indians are under the age of 15. This demographic development holds great potential for economic growth. However, in order to exploit this potential, more education and employment opportunities are needed. Although India is undoubtedly one of the economic up-and-comers, the growing middle and upper classes still have to contend with the highest number of absolute poverty in the world.
Access to formal employment is particularly difficult for children and women outside the urban centers. On the one hand, around ten million young Indians enter the labor market every year, which can hardly create this number of new jobs, especially in rural areas. On the other hand, women in particular are prevented from taking up employment due to traditional gender roles and discrimination in public life
In the shadow of the historic gold mines lie the Kolar Gold Fields (KGF), which were once considered the world’s gold mines. Today, the area is dominated by environmental degradation, unemployment and extremely difficult living conditions – especially for young people. Over 30,000 people commute more than four hours a day to Bangalore to find their daily wage opportunities. These are often day labor jobs or jobs that are very poorly paid. Young adults from the slums face a limited future, characterized by a lack of opportunities, insignificant jobs and a dangerous path to addiction (especially alcohol). All of this impairs their development potential and makes it impossible for the kids to break the cycle of poverty.
Target group
Young graduates and the local community
And here are some of the people who will benefit from your donation!
Help people like Sumitra with your donation!
With your support, we would like to construct the building for the 100 Aker Woods Cafe and equip it with the necessary furniture and materials