Labor market integration, Frankfurt

Frankfurt - Germany

Through workshops, mentoring and coaching refugees get prepared for their career start in this project. In addition, qualified applicants will be introduced to cooperating companies.

Project Information
Project Location
Frankfurt, Germany
Weltkarte Punkt Europa
Main Focus
Creating career prospects
Project duration
Since 2021
Target Group
Refugees in Germany
Sustainable Development Goals

Main goals: SDG 8

Subsidiary goals: SDG 4

Project background

Refugees in Germany face many hurdles when entering the German labor market. According to the German Federal Employment Agency, the employment rate of workers from non-European asylum origin countries (e.g., Syria and Afghanistan) was 32.4 % in 2019. The Corona pandemic further worsened this situation in 2020. The Institute for Employment Research (IAB) argues that the chances of successful integration for younger refugees, i.e., up to a maximum age of 30, are ‘relatively’ high due to good access to the German education and training system. In practice, however, young refugees initially need a lot of time to find suitable offers, understand more about the job requirements and prepare a promising application. For refugees over the age of 30, the situation is even more complex. With an academic education and/or professional experience acquired in their country of origin, even medium- to highly-qualified refugees often do not find access to the labor market.

To tackle this problem, help alliance, together with its partner organization jobs4refugees, supports refugees on their way into employment. jobs4refugees connects companies and refugees by preparing refugees for a career start through targeted workshops, mentoring and coaching, and introducing them to the cooperating companies. Throughout the application and hiring process, the organization supports both sides and remains in contact with the refugees even after they have started their career.

Target group

The target group of the project are refugees in Germany who are looking for an internship or a job.

Project coordinators
Senior Project Lead Leadership Development & Cultural Transformation, Lufthansa Group, Frankfurt
Anja Popp

„I believe that a job in which you take on responsibility and receive appreciation is crucial for a successful integration. That’s why we want to support jobs4refugees as much as possible and prepare refugees for their career entry with the help of job application workshops. Especially in times of the lockdown and more difficult integration conditions, this support – even in virtual form – is very valuable.”


Senior Project Lead Leadership Development & Cultural Transformation, Lufthansa Group, Frankfurt

Production Manager Middle East & Africa, Lufthansa Cargo, Frankfurt
Aurélie Schroth

„Who hasn’t already despaired in the German application jungle? Now imagine that you don’t speak the language well, you hardly know the country, you have no documents and no network. Every little bit of support to make the German job market more accessible to refugees moves mountains. Together, we make it possible for them to have a first “foot in the door” and give them back some of their independence and self-determination.”


Production Manager Middle East & Africa, Lufthansa Cargo, Frankfurt

Project goals

The goal of the project is to systematically reduce the barriers to employment of refugees through active support and coaching. The overall goal is to enable them to successfully enter the German labor market, to improve their chances of integration in the society in general and to be able to lead a self-determined life independent of state support. In addition, the project promote positive thinking and self-confidence of the participants.

Through communication training, the refugees learn how to prepare for a job interview and how to highlight and communicate their skills and personal strengths. In job application workshops, volunteers help the refugees prepare authentic, convincing application documents and send them for current job offers. In individual coaching sessions, the project supports the participants in obtaining a realistic and goal-oriented assessment of their own skills and chances on the German labor market and, based on this, suggests suitable offers, i.e. jobs, traineeships, internships and vocational trainings.

The beneficiaries in projects like this are in urgent need of our and your help. Please support us in enabling them to lead a self-determined life!
Donate now for help alliance!

What are you supporting

With your support, you contribute to the successful integration of refugees into the German labor market and society.

Contact Persons
Project Portfolio Management
Laura Single
Contact (069) 696 – 696 70