Future workshop, Munich
The aim of the project is to prevent young people from dropping out of training and thus reduce the number of young people without a vocational qualification. It is a further development of the Tanzen verbindet project in Munich, which was previously financed by help alliance.

Project Background
People without a school-leaving qualification often end up in precarious employment – and lack skilled workers. Young people of foreign nationality are particularly at risk.
Every year, almost 50,000 young people in Germany leave school without a school-leaving certificate. At 15.7 %, people with foreign citizenship are affected almost three times as often as Germans of the same age (5.1 %). At 37.3%, the number of young refugees who drop out of education prematurely is even higher than that of young people of German origin (24.9%).
A total of 2.64 million young people between the ages of 20 and 35 currently have no vocational training. After a steady increase over the last ten years, the proportion rose again significantly from 15.5% to 17.8% in 2022 alone, reaching a new record level.
51% of companies in Germany are unable to fill vacancies due to a lack of staff. The German Chamber of Industry and Commerce puts the number of vacancies at 1.7 to 1.8 million.
Target group
Young people – mainly refugees and migrants – are supported by a school-based program until they graduate from school and continue to be supported until the end of their training.
Project Targets
The project enables disadvantaged young people to obtain a school-leaving certificate and then continues to support them during their training in order to prevent them from dropping out.
The project thus closes a gap between existing services, as it is aimed both at young people who have a particularly high need for support and at young people with the potential for higher education. It is a continuous and comprehensive support over several years within the framework of an existing pedagogical relationship of trust, which is not limited to a specific occupational area. Due to their age, these young people are no longer entitled to attend school, as compulsory schooling is considered to have been completed from the age of 14.5, and an extension is ruled out because most of them have not attended school directly before. The participants have achieved incredible things in their lives while fleeing, but have large gaps in their schooling and language skills.
The school-analog program therefore includes full-time lessons and offers the opportunity to obtain school-leaving qualifications after the 9th and 10th grade. Year 10 can be completed in one to two years. In principle, the path to the Abitur at our partner school MOS Munich is open. The familiar contact persons continue to accompany the young people during the subsequent training and are also the contact persons for problems relating to training, residence permits, motivation, etc. for the companies and vocational schools.
In addition, psychosocial support is provided in individual and group sessions with a focus on teaching self-help strategies. The project is carried out by qualified employees with experience in trauma and migration education, as well as career entry support.
Intensive career guidance and support with job applications is provided. The rooms and equipment of the learning offices from the previous project can be used for this in the afternoon. Volunteers are available to provide application support and individual assistance.
Cultural education programs with art, dance, music and movement can still be attended free of charge and are an important element for integration and language.
The Munich Employment Agency confirms the great need and provides support in the form of careers advice and, in future, weekly in-house offers, while the Munich and Upper Bavaria Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Munich and Upper Bavaria Chamber of Crafts, the Munich Electrical Guild and AKA e.V. are planning practical offers, skills courses and a 10-day project to try out practical skills in IHK workshops. The Munich Youth Welfare Office rates the concept as particularly effective due to the consistency of the pedagogical relationships of trust.
Your support enables children and young people who have experienced flight and migration to receive the support they need through access to schooling, therapy, tutoring and mentoring. This enables the young people to complete their education and training.