Education kicks, Frankfurt
Sufficient language and reading skills are key prerequisites for successful integration into society, which in turn forms the basis for a responsible and self-determined life. However, an increasing number of pupils in Germany are unable to read and write properly. As part of the project, children therefore receive half a day of literacy lessons and half a day of soccer training for 90 minutes twice a week.

Project background
Sufficient language and reading skills are key prerequisites for successful integration into society, which in turn forms the basis for a responsible and self-determined life. However, an increasing number of pupils in Germany are unable to read and write correctly – for example, 25% of fourth-graders currently fail to meet the minimum requirements of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in Germany in reading and 30% in writing.
The inadequate learning performance is most evident in children with a migration background and from socially disadvantaged families, as educational success in Germany is directly linked to the social situation of the family. The social consequences of the coronavirus pandemic have also led to a concentration of unequal educational opportunities. Losses in learning concentration are particularly found among non-academic children. As a result of the pandemic, fourth-graders are on average more than half a year behind in learning compared to previous years – for children with a migrant background, the average is even one and a half years.
Social inequality in the area of physical activity and sport is also making itself felt – here, too, the problems have been exacerbated by the pandemic. The large number of socially disadvantaged children who do not get enough exercise (73%) rose again to 78% in 2022.
Target Group
Children from the 3rd and 4th grades (plus a subgroup from grades 5-7 if necessary)
Project Target
Children from the 3rd and 4th grades (plus a subgroup from grades 5-7 if applicable) receive one half of a 90-minute skills lesson and one half of a soccer training session twice a week for two school years. The lessons are led by a specially trained teacher (usually a student teacher or already trained teacher) and the training is led by a coach (usually a sports student, qualified soccer coach). The project mainly recruits young, motivated people who want to get involved beyond their job or studies.
For the respective program, a group of around 25 students is always divided into two groups, so that one group starts with the lessons and the other group with the training and switches halfway through.
The program is rounded off by various cultural activities, which take place two to four times a year and are designed in a variety of ways, such as rap poetry, cooking workshops, museum visits or club-related activities such as stadium tours or children’s press conferences. The final tournament, the big highlight of the year, always takes place towards the end of the school year. This is perceived by the children as a very important anchor point for the program and for their motivation.
The implementation of the program is based on a triad of language, soccer and culture and is geared towards a holistic understanding of educational support. Not only are pure knowledge and language skills taught, but regular and active interaction, movement and social behavior are encouraged and challenged, and cultural inspiration is passed on. The strengths of the program also lie in the reciprocal transfers between the language, soccer and culture support modules. The children are driven by their enthusiasm for soccer, they improve their learning skills through play – for example by learning math using a soccer table or reading with the help of a children’s soccer book – and participate more actively in lessons. This also has a positive effect on their self-esteem. Communication is not only a high priority in the German course, but also on the soccer pitch or at the rap poetry workshop. This allows the children to learn from and with each other.
Soccer serves as a motivational tool: the combination of one half of soccer training and one half of language lessons offers an optimal methodological change – with the effect that the children can concentrate better, are more motivated for the school learning content and are enabled to better adapt their attention and their actions in different situations. As a team sport, soccer also promotes a positive group dynamic, strengthens the social skills of the individual and thus leads to a more pleasant learning atmosphere in language lessons.
Another strength lies in the regularity of the program – the above-mentioned support content is carried out throughout the school year. This extensive range of regular activities helps to ensure that the children continuously engage with the content of the program. As a result, the aforementioned reciprocal relationships between the modules, for example through motivation, inspiration or language stimuli, are repeated and consolidated.
With your support, the program can be carried out at four schools in Frankfurt.