Arrival, Turin

Turin - Italy

The project supports 90 young people in the Turin area who have migrated from crisis regions by helping them to integrate into the Italian school system and prepare for the world of work. Their equal opportunities are promoted through targeted educational and support measures.

Project Information
Project Location
Turin, Italy
Weltkarte Punkt Europa
Main Focus
Quality education for all
Project duration
2025 - 2027
Target Group
Children and young people
Sustainable Development Goals

Main Goal: SDG 4

The Project

The project supports 90 young people aged between 14 and 18 in the Turin area who come from countries in crisis where war, poverty or political instability prevail. They have only recently arrived in Italy, often as part of a family reunion, with expired tourist visas or as unaccompanied minors. The reality of their lives is characterized by separation, violence and extreme poverty, which often leads to poor physical and mental health.
The young people face major challenges in an environment that is foreign to them: They are unfamiliar with the school system and their career prospects and urgently need guidance. They are particularly susceptible to dropping out of school and a lack of equal opportunities.

The project offers a guide to help them learn Italian and integrate into society. The young people receive targeted educational, economic, educational and motivational support. Attending secondary schools and daily contact with their peers not only promotes language skills, but also supports social integration. In addition, the project involves teachers and school management as well as the local school administration in order to create an inclusive learning environment in cooperation with all those involved and to ensure the young people’s success at school.

In addition to focusing on improving opportunities for young people, the project also addresses the growing need for well-trained specialists in Italy, particularly in technical professions. It helps young people not only to acquire cultural and educational foundations, but also to become active and conscious citizens in society, to start a family and to work.

By promoting sustainable integration and equal opportunities, the project builds a bridge between the individual needs of young people and the demands of society.

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Contact Persons
Project Portfolio Management
Maximilian Zaenker
Contact (069) 696 – 696 70