Together, we’re strong

02. October 2024

Brussels Airport, October 2023, an exciting day for Tristan, Tom, Julia, Eva, Moritz, Nils and Jan, because their trip is to Yaoundé in Cameroon. The seven employees of Lufthansa Technik were the first group of volunteers to visit our
Career Orientation” project. The aim of the project is to support young adults in providing high-quality services to their community in order to generate sustainable income.
At the Mapubi Entrepreneurship Center, young people learn various skills, such as IT skills, to implement their own business ideas. The target group for this project is students and university graduates who, after completing their
education, often have problems finding further training or employment. The seven volunteers began preparing for their assignment many weeks before their departure. First, they conducted a requirements analysis and prepared for their assignment in various workshops

The result was a training concept in the area of presentation skills and pitch training. The young Cameroonians are also very much looking forward to the exchange with the volunteers from Germany. One of them is Stanly. Stanly studied computer science and joined our partner organization as an intern during his studies in 2017. He has since completed his studies. Together with Jerry, he developed the idea for the Smart Green Factory. The Smart Green Factory is a hybrid
agricultural training and networking platform. Here, young entrepreneurs are taught the skills needed to start an agricultural business. In addition, the platform aims
to provide food processing facilities for rural communities to reduce food waste.

Olivia Davis-Mbou

As part of volunteering iniatives, I am committed to a better world for the next generation. We are all part of this world and each of us can help to make someone else feel better.

Over the next few days, the volunteers will help the participants prepare for Pitch Day, where potential donors and representatives from the Society for International Cooperation, the local university and Brussels Airlines will be present, by means of sparring and training

In the second week of their work on site, the volunteers offer presentation training and social media advice. Through this assignment, the volunteers have not only expanded their own experiences, but have also launched a lasting exchange
between Lufthansa Group employees and young entrepreneurs in Cameroon. The success of the assignment is convincing and so the cooperation will continue with further regular assignments.

Almost a year after the initial deployment, the first results can now be seen. Stanly and his team have since succeeded in building an extensive network of farmers, cooperation partners and potential buyers for
the end products. In this way, the Smart Green Factory is designed to generate added value for society and a regular income for farmers.

Another project of the Mapubi Entrepreneurship Hub has also been crowned with success. The Smart Mobile Clinic aims to improve health care in underserved rural areas in Cameroon. They achieve this through mobile local health campaigns and a health call center where local medical staff can get second opinions. Just one year after the pilot phase, the number of villagers reached has already doubled. They are now getting access to good health care. Volunteers were able to provide support both on site at a health camp in the Pygmy community in Cameroon and in organizing and running a health forum.