Impact figures: Work and Income
Since 2020 we have been conducting comprehensive impact measurements across all help alliance projects using the so-called IOOI method for the first time. The impact logic of this method consists of four areas that build on each other: inputs (= resources), outputs (= services), outcomes (= effects at the level of the target group) and impacts (= effects at the societal level).
Here is an insight into the 2023 impact figures from our projects with a funding focus on work & income:
As an internationally active aid organisation, help alliance was active on five continents in 2023 to give disadvantaged people access to the labour market, to decent work and ultimately to a self-determined future. The work aims to promote a dignified learning environment, creating access to drinking water, facilities for washing hands, sanitary facilities, electricity, Internet and barrier-free infrastructure for people with disabilities, among other things.
A total of 94 Lufthansa Group volunteers have been involved in the projects with a focus on work and income.
The work of the help alliance projects enabled 4,322 young adults (48% female) to access (further) training.
Furthermore, 165 young adults (48% female) were accompanied into the labor market by mentors and 164 vocational workshops (e.g. business knowledge and innovation) were implemented.
A total of 281 young adults (52% female) successfully completed their training or higher education.
972 young adults (50% female) were successfully integrated into the labor market, of which 306 (44% female) found employment and 666 (52% female) started a (micro) business.
At the societal level, people in the help alliance projects were supported on their career path and thus gained better access to the labour market and to decent work.
In this way, help alliance contributes to the achievement of Goal 4 “Quality Education” and Goal 8 “Decent Work & Economic Growth” of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.