
In the “News” section we regularly report on the latest project stories, developments and activities at help alliance. On Instagram, Facebook and YouTube you will find exciting impressions of the project work and learn more about the beneficiaries and our project coordinators and supporters. Follow us or sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date.



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Miles & More visits our project in Flörsheim
Bastian from Miles & More visited our project in Flörsheim and accompanied our two project coordinators Astrid & Michael in their work with children with a refugee and migration background. In addition, our new project portfolio manager Laura provides insight into three other projects.

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Making-of-Dokumentation of the help alliance Songs
In order to share the story of the creation of the help alliancec song "Let's Get Together to Help the World" with all listeners, a making-of documentary was developed that gives an insight into the production of the song and shows how much fun and excitement the children and young people from Flörsheim had in the music studio.

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The iThemba Primary School in Cape Town was successfully expanded
The iThemba project in Cape Town, South Africa is one of the best known help alliance projects. And there is now good news from this project: the iThemba Primary School in Cape Town could be extended with new school buildings despite Corona! A total of 700 children can now go to school.
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Together with your help we can work for a self-determined future of disadvantaged people.
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